"There is hardly another field of education that has to cope with a comparable level and quality of change as does the field of management studies. We are dealing here neither with classical learning nor with the settled and purely academic disciplines. We are dealing with the need to respond to the new knowledge created through innovations and new experience. This unending grappling with the frontiers of knowledge creation cannot be accomplished without the development and nurturing of a research programme at the very core of our academic activities".(Director, IIMC)

There are a number of components of the research at IIMC. First, there is a Working Paper series, which enables both faculty and Fellowship students to publish initial drafts of their findings and circulate these for comments and feedback. Secondly, IIMC publishes the journal Decision twice a year. IIMC Faculty is also responsible for authoring research and non-research related Articles & Books in the general media.

Working Papers
Publications Committee for the period 2022-2026