EOI (Expression of Interest)

Pre-qualification Criteria for providing & fixation of carpet in the Auditorium at IIM Calcutta

Ref no. IIMC/EOI/1/2016-2017 Date: April 8, 2016

IIM CALCUTTA invites sealed applications from intending Firms / Vendors in the prescribed Application form (Annexure – I) for short listing for the purpose of participation in the said work.

Required criteria for such short-listing are furnished below:

  1. Should provide photocopy of the following statutory compliances certificates:
    1. Proper trade and professional license.
    2. Date of Incorporation Certificate.
    3. Company PAN Card.
    4. VAT / WBST registration Certificate.
    5. Income Tax Return Statement of last 3(three) years.
  2. Should have a business establishment in Kolkata.
  3. Should have experience and credentials for similar nature of work. (i.e. providing and fixation of Carpet in an auditorium in IITs/IIMs/Govt. Sectors/Corporate Bodies etc.) Supporting documents must be enclosed with the application.
  4. Operational experience for similar nature of work should not be less than 05 (Five) years.
  5. Audited balance Sheet of last 3(three) years. (i. e. 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15).
  6. The Annual turnover must be more than Rs.30, 00,000/-(Thirty lacs only). Supporting documents must be enclosed.

The applicants should apply as indicated in the application format given in the web site. The application forms can be down loaded from IIM website (Tenders and Notices column) or may be collected from Purchase Section, IIMC.

The application formats duly completed in all respects giving the aforesaid information as per the Application Form & Schedules given below, is required to be submitted in a sealed cover super scribing in the top left hand corner of the cover as "EOI - Application for Pre-qualification Criteria for providing & fixation of carpet in the Auditorium at IIM Calcutta" addressed to Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase) IIMC, Joka, Kolkata 700104. Tel No. 24678300-05, Extension 202 and to be submitted at the above address on or before April 22, 2016 by 2:00 p.m.

Method of award of work:

Tender would be invited from the prequalified Firms / Vendors, after short-listing.

Instructions to applicants:

  1. Each page of the application shall be signed and sealed by a person having necessary authority to do so.
  2. If the space in the format is insufficient for furnishing full details, such information may be given in separate sheets.
  3. Applicants are required to furnish information against each item of the application. In case, certain item is not applicable, please write NA. Application containing incorrect and or inadequate information is liable to be rejected.
  4. For any further clarification, the applicant may contact Sr. Administrative Officer (Purchase), IIMC; Phone no. 24678300-05 Extn. 202.

In case of any information furnished by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later stage, the Firm / Vendor is liable to be debarred from tendering / taking up any future work in the IIMC. IIM CALCUTTA reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant independently, and also reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof.

The short-listed agencies will be intimated by e-mail/by post for purchase of tender documents accordingly. IIM Calcutta is no way responsible for non-receipt of intimation given through the above-mentioned method.

Senior Administrative Officer (Purchase)

Click here to download the Application Form