Abinash Pani
PGPEX-VLM- 1st Rank Holder
2020-2021 has been a challenging year for everyone. During this period, the decision to opt for higher studies was a tricky one. However, in hindsight, I can vouch that getting admitted to this program was the best thing that could have happened to me last year. With the right blend of exposure to future technologies and Management knowledge, the curriculum offered me the unique learning experience that I was looking for. Not only this experience helped me to gather diverse expertise across Management and Technology domain, but also it prepared me to sail through the uncertainty around the world. Being curious to learn new things kept me motivated and going throughout the year, and I hope I will continue this in my future endeavours. Most importantly, I will cherish the time spent with my friends during the one-year journey. The short yet fulfilling experience at IIM Calcutta gave me some fantastic friends, and I hope to remain in touch with them. The one-month-long Sports extravaganza, the thrilling experience of beating teams in Volleyball, Table Tennis, and Cricket, the night canteen, and Day canteen stories will always remain dearer to me. Finally, I am delighted and privileged to be the one to represent PGPEX-VLM on this year’s honour board and, I believe all of us who completed this journey are achievers in our own rights. Hoping for a bright future, Cheers!!